Email Information |
Email Server Settings
If you are already familiar with configuring an email client than you will just need the mail server address to get your email set up.
Incoming Mail (POP3): pop.cablemi.com
Outgoing Mail (SMTP): smtp.cablemi.com
Configure an Email Client
Setting Up An Email Password
Once your email account has been created a password will need to be selected by you in order for the account to active. To select a password please use our online tool linked below. Our online password tool encrypts you selected password which ensures that no unauthorized individual will be able to gain access to your email.
Changing Your Email Password
To change your email password please use our online password tool linked below. When changing your password you will be prompted for the current email password. If you cannot remember the current password please contact our Help Desk department at 1.866.871.4492 to have the password reset. Once reset you will be able to select a new password using our online password tool.
If you have further questions or problems with your email account please contact CableAmerica's Help Desk at 1.866.871.4492.
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